Thursday, 10 June 2010

Woohoo! Go Hawks! Go By-fugly-en!

So I just watched the Chicago Hawks win the ‘series’ (not quite sure what that is, but it seemed to be a pretty big deal…). Everybody in the bar and then driving down the road we walked home on was going nuts! Apparently there may even be some sort of parade in Chicago this weekend because they won, so I’ll have to try to check that out.

I spent this morning at work going through the online tutorials on python and generally trying to revise my first year astronomy course – I am alarmed at how much I have managed to wipe from my memory since sitting that exam! I wanted to make sure my knowledge on distance measurement, standard candles and supernovae was up to scratch, as well as learning a bit about baryonic acoustic oscillations (these can be used as another standard astronomical ‘ruler’).

After lunch we the first of our weekly meetings with all of the interns and the two guys who run the internships at Fermilab: Rodger Dixon and Erik Ramberg. They were reassuringly approachable and more than happy to answer any questions we had and generally just help out. It was also a great opportunity to hear what projects everyone else is working on; although I do appear to have drawn the short straw with my one slightly. Quite how a physics student with an interest in particle physics and very little programming knowledge or experience has ended up writing code for an astronomical survey, I’m not sure… I would much have preferred to be assigned to one of the other projects in experimental particle or accelerator physics, but I guess I’d better not look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially one that has provided me with free accommodation, a swimming pool, a car, an ample weekly wage and a fantastic-looking new addition to my CV.

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